If you are likely the most successful marketing executives you understand how crucial it is to build brand equity.The emotional attachments that links consumers to your product as opposed to any other translates  into steady cash flow and a fantastic public image two key ingredients that solidify your company position as a market leader. While most advertisers would agree that there are certain basic principles of product branding each advertiser take a slightly different approach when it comes to launching marketing campaign. Here are some steps to follow for Building Brand Equity (BBE model) .  

TARGET YOUR AUDIENCE.The surest road to product failure is when you don’t know who are your target in the total market and also decide who are the likely users of your product and develop a marketing materials that speaks exclusively to that group.

         GET THE CONSUMERS ATTENTION. Here’s where a sound advertising strategy Come into play , your goal is to create public awareness and then build on the brand. You do this to differentiate your product and brand from your other competitors and also to get your consumers attention. Design your advertisement in a form of mailer or an emailer and your advertising should evoke your consumers. Your advertising should impress your consumers so that they can easily recall your product and the brand. Design your brand in a way that it will help consumers to link to your brand by making them perceive special benefits in your product than your competitors.

BUILD A SOLID BRAND IMAGE. Consider your product as a special feature and add to the character of your company. Your brand is the company’s image therefore distinct characteristics including excellent customer service, time management, total quality management (TQM) and social responsibility are the best way to build good image of both brand and the company.

REINFORCE THE BRAND IMAGE WITHIN THE COMPANY. Make sure all employees at every level of the organisation work and behave in a way to help promote the image building and it reinforcement. Design orientation programme for customers, emphasize your brand image in all employees


communications such as brochure, employee manuals, a company Internet and corporate newsletter. Create incentives for employees at all levels who successfully communicate your brand image to the public for example writing an article for the company’s newsletter, giving extra service to customers and also explain some technicalities to consumers.

Brands are very good for every company who want to get  alone with their competitors. Brand should not be just a brand but brand that will evoke your consumers and the core benefits of the company. Good luck in your reading but read more as I come your way with another educative topic on BRAND PERSONALITY.

Martey Merley Georgina



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